Democratic Party Hiding Popularity of Demand to Impeach
The following was written by Willie Simmons, a long-time member of the Progressive Action Alliance. If you are reading this on the PAA home page, click on the article title to read the entire entry.
Kucinich online impeachment petition
EMAIL from Elizabeth Kucinich about an online impeachment petition
*Happy Independence Day - Let's put the Constitution back on the table!*
"As we once again celebrate our Independence as a nation, let us celebrate
Freeway Blogging
Freeway Blogging for Peace Commemorating 5th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion, 4 p.m. Thursday, March 20, Hwy 59 Bridges
Petition in support of HR 799 (formerly HR 333) calling for the impeachment of Richard B. Cheney
We are collecting signatures on the attached petition in support of HR 799 (formerly HR 333) calling for the impeachment of Cheney for actively misleading us about:
Iraq weapons of mass destruction;
Impeach flyers distributed at MLK parades
See for the impeach flyers that were produced for the 2006 and 2007 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day parades in Houston.
Impeach Bush-Cheney Bumper Sticker

Revised bumper sticker.
Top: "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" - white text, blue background
Bottom: "IMPEACH BUSH-CHENEY" - white text, red background in small text at bottom
Houston Freeway Blogging for Peace & Impeachment
Impeach Bush-Cheney Bumper Stickers-revised
Get one (or many) of our highly-popular ""Support Our Troops - Impeach Bush-Cheney" bumper stickers and do your part to send a truly patriotic message, while getting more people thinking about the "I" word.
It seems clear that most elected officials and mainstream media are waiting for the public to initiate a demand to hold W accountable, so let's send the message!
Our bumper stickers are 3 x 10 inches, and may be removed and re-applied (a few times) for those times when you want to attend a Bush rally. In addition, they are perfect for covering up scratches on your bumper or other places on your car, boat, plane, or military vehicle. Perhaps you know of some troops in Iraq who might want some!
Gulf Freeway Blogging 3
More Gulf Freeway Blogging
Gulf Freeway Blogging
Comments by Mikal Hutto
Memorial for Casualties of the Iraq War
January 14, 2007
Thousands Dead, Thousands More Picking Up the Pieces
We are all here to honor these fallen U.S. Military Personnel, Iraqi and civilians from all over the world that have died as a result of the Iraq war. You may be wondering why we chose to honor ALL people who have died in this war. There are many reasons that this should be done. It’s important that as human beings we memorialize this great loss of humanity to the world. It is important that as human beings we realize the toll that war takes on this entire world for generations to come. It is important because until human beings acknowledge the total losses, we will continue to spend the lives of valuable human beings trying to conquer one another in a futile bid for everlasting power. It is important because histories of wars are often untold, rewritten, or forgotten, and so the lessons are not learned by future generations.
3000th casualty memorial speeches, photos -Jan. 2007
This article has links to speeches, photos, and the event description for the 3000th casualty memorial, at Memorial Park in Houston, Jan. 14-20, 2007. This event was held to memorialize the terrible loss of life, (US and Iraqi), that we have had so far during the Iraq invasion and occupation.
Impeach Bush & Cheney T-Shirts
Want to wear a shirt that sends a powerful message for regime change here at home?
We have two shirts that we designed, and which we hope will help to get the general public thinking more about why we need to get the criminals out of the White House. These shirts are ones that we hope you'll want to wear when you go shopping, to restaurants, to neighborhood and cultural events, and other places -- not just to political gatherings. You'll be impressed with how many smiles, thumbs up, and other positive responses that you get.
Letter to Attendees of Sep. 4, 2006 Impeachment Forum
Thanks to all of you who attended our Impeachment Town Hall meeting in Houston on Labor Day. I know you could have been doing lots of other things on Monday. I was excited to see so many people come out on a holiday for this event!
Impeachment Action Ideas - How to get involved
Here are some ideas and suggestions for how we can get Bush and Cheney removed from office, submitted at (and after) the Impeachment Town Hall meeting in Houston on Sep. 4, 2006.
Send us your ideas
If you have other ideas and suggestions, please send them (preferably with links to where we can find more information on the web) to C. Lee Taylor: c.lee.taylor {at}
Impeachment Links on the Web (click on "Impeachment Resource Center") - a great site, updated several times per day, with lots and lots of resources on impeachment.
Impeachment -- Sample One-on-One Dialog
This is a sample dialog, from one person to another, that was presented during the Impeachment Town Hall meeting, Sep. 4, 2006.
To display this in a format suitable for printing, click on the (faint) printer icon in the upper right corner of this window.
Talking with your Friends about Impeachment
Below is an edited version of the presentation that I gave at the end of the Impeachment Town Hall Meeting, Sep. 4, 2006.
To display this in a format suitable for printing, click on the (faint) printer icon in the upper right corner of this window.
This is the introduction to the workshop that Kris Graham and I did that day, on how to talk with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers about impeachment of Bush and Cheney.