PAA Monthly General Meeting

Apr 12 2007 - 7:00pm
Apr 12 2007 - 9:00pm

Event Description:

Attend the regular monthly meeting of the Progressive Action Alliance, as we plan actions to promote impeachment, withdrawal from Iraq, and progressive political change, while we visit with and network with each other. If you are reading this on the PAA home page, click on the event title for more details.

We meet at the Havens Center -- see address below.
You may park on the north side of Alabama, across the street, or in the St. Steven's parking lot, just east of the Havens Center.

Come early to visit & gab
6:30 -7 p.m.: social/meet & greet
7- 9 p.m.: meeting

Bring something non-messy to eat or drink and share if you wish.

Agenda items (so far) include:

* Followup on 4th anniversary of the invasion activities
- special freeway blogging, etc.

* Followup on April 9 Impeachment rally with Cindy Sheehan

* Other activities to promote impeachment and an end to the Iraq occupation

* Movie nights

* other agenda items TBD - send yours to escramble('paa','');

We'll also have both styles of our Impeach T-shirts available, for donations ($12-20 suggested), plus the new version of our impeach bumper stickers.

We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month to discuss recent and upcoming activities. Join us!

Event Contact Name:

Event Fee:
Free! (Donations welcomed.)